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Hosting Standards

What are the general standards for hosting a guest with Ojisu?

Think of it this way, what kind of environment would you like to be living in if you were in the guests shoes? We require clean, comfortable, and nurturing living conditions for our guests. Our international guests are travelling from across the world to stay with you, in a new, unfamiliar place. The more inviting and comfortable the living conditions, the more the guest will be able to feel at home and adapt to life in the US.

What do I need to be able to provide to guests?

To host a guest, you must be able to provide a private bedroom (that cannot be shared with other guests) and a bathroom. Other accommodations and amenities can be discussed and negotiated with guests. For school students, usually breakfast and dinner on school days and three/two meals a day on weekends or holidays. Meal options vary for college students or visiting scholars. You can decide if you allow the guest to prepare their own meals. Transportation to and from school and regarding extracurricular activities are not required, but are often important for high school international student guests.

What aspects of the guests living quarters have to be private?

Very often, guests prefer or are looking for private rooms, especially if a guest’s stay is long term (2+ months). However, multiple guests are allowed to share one room. Again, private bathrooms are most desired, but not required for guests.

Expectations regarding respecting guest privacy:

  • It is expected that you fully respect the privacy and living quarters of your guest.

  • Hosts must give guests private time and private space. That includes, not entering their room, bathroom, etc without permission and not harassing them.

  • The use of any camera or video recording or monitoring of guest or host behavior is strictly prohibited. This behavior will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

  • Guests reserve the right to not disclose personal contact information to hosts both during and post homestay.

Expectations regarding discrimination:

  • Hosts may not discriminate against, decline a guest, or impose special terms or conditions upon a guest based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or marital status.
  • Guests may not discriminate against, decline a host, or impose special terms or conditions upon a host based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or marital status.