
Help Center

Suggested questions to ask

  1. Will you be able to provide transportation to school?

  2. Will you be able to provide transportation home from school?

  3. If you are able to provide transportation to and/or from school, how long is the commute?

  4. Is your home located along the school bus route? Will the student be able to take the school bus to and from school?

  5. Approximately how long does it take to take public transportation to school from your home?

  6. Will you be able to provide transportation to or from extracuricular activities? For example, to sports practice or volunteer work activities?

  7. Will you be able to provide transportation to or from the airport, for when the student initially arrives and when they leave?

  8. How old are all the family members who are living at your home?

  9. What are your family members’ careers?

  10. Do you or your family members ever work night shifts?

  11. Does anyone in your family frequently leave on business trips?

  12. What is your family’s educational background?

  13. What nationality is your family?

  14. Is your family religious?

  15. Do you go to church/your place of worship weekly?

  16. Will the bathroom that the student would be using be a private or shared bathroom?

  17. Will there be internet access in the student’s room?

  18. How big is the room the student would be living in? What are the dimensions?

  19. What furniture and appliances are in the room?

  20. How big is the bed in the room?

  21. Does the bedroom have air conditioning and central heat?

  22. Can the student use the kitchen by themselves to prepare food?

  23. Is the student free to use the houses facilities and common areas? (ex. Laundry facilities, TV in living room, etc.)

  24. What is the environment of the student’s room like? Is it noisy outside?

  25. Do you have prior experience hosting international students?

  26. Will there be other study abroad students living in the house as well during the time period that the student would be living there?

  27. If there will be other students living with you during this time period, can you give me a bit of information about them? For example, what school they will be attending, their nationality, their gender, etc.

  28. Will there be other guests or renters living in the house as well during the time period that my student would be living there?

  29. If there will be other guests or renters living in the house during this time period, can you provide me a bit of information about them? For example, their profession, nationality, gender, etc.

  30. Do you have any pets?

  31. If you have pets, have they been vaccinated? Are they friendly pets/would they be an issue a new student living with you?

  32. What are some of your and your family members’ hobbies?

  33. Will you be willing to invite a student guest to participate in your family’s activities or events?

  34. What kind of food and drink does your family usually have?

  35. How long have you and your family been living in the area/house?

  36. Can you give me a brief description of the area/environment/town that your home is in?

  37. What public school district is your home located in?

  38. Will you be willing to take the student out from time to time to give them a taste of the local culture?

  39. Will you be able to help the student with their English?